Jazz Theory
Jazz is a Music genre which was invented in United States. Jazz music combines African-American music with European music. Jazz first popular in 1910s. some common Jazz Instruments= Saxophone, Trumpet, Guitar, Piano, Double bass and Drums
What is Jazz?
it is difficult to give an exact definition of ‘Jazz’. A singer Nina Simone said, ‘Jazz is not just music, it is a way of Life

Jazz began in United States in early 20th century. Jazz music was first based on the music of African Slaves who were forced to work in the plantations of southern United States, The included call and response songs, spirituals, chants and blues notes. Jazz also has musical styles from European music, as well as the brass and stringed instruments and use of musical notation. Large Jazz band, which are called big bands, were also popular in the 1940s.
In the 1950s, there was hard bop jazz. In the 1960s, there was modern jazz and free jazz. IN the 1970s, jazz fusion began to blend jazz music with rock music. Some jazz is still played with the some improve methods as it did at its beginning, except with modern electronic instruments
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