The A Minor Scale
This session all about of Minor scale. there are three types of minor scale,
1= Natural Minor
2= Melodic Minor
3= Harmonic Minor
and in any natural minor scale 3rd note are the relative major
like= A, B, C, D, E, F, G
and A minor is the relative minor scale of C major scale.
when You Play solo then minor sound like sadness sound
Relative Major & Minor Scales
The relative major scale can be found by going up 3 frets/semi-tones from the minor scale root note. Alternatively, you could locate the 3rd degree of the minor scale. In our A minor scale, this note would be the C. This makes our relative
major scale a C major scale.
A Minor Scale Harmonization
A, B , C, D , E , F , G
Minor, Diminished, Major, Minor, Minor, Major, Major
The Minor scale formula
Whole note(W) and Half note(H)
W = Tone = Jump Full Note
H = Semitone= Jump Half Note
A, B , C, D , E , F , G
m, DIMINISHED,M, m, m, M, M,
M = Major
m = Minor
7 Shapes of A Minor Scale
Starting with A note
3 Tabs on Every Strings